Thursday 17 October 2024

Freaky Throwback Thursday!


Well last week, Erick, over at the Wonderful Wonderblog did a Thursday Throwback where he showed off some of the stuff he’s posted over the last 15 years of the Countdown, and I liked the idea of showing some newcomers stuff they might have missed, and the thought of reviving the Throwback Thursday, so much that I decided to do the same sort of thing this week! So thanks for the inspiration, Erick! 

Just click the links in the names of the posts to go visit them…..

First for my throwbacks, I thought I’d go back to my GeGeGe No Kitaro- Gruesome Game special! I had a lot of fun playing through the games for that one!

Next, lets take a look at how to improve the ‘Great Druidic Fire Festival’ of Halloween, with Marian McNeill’s ‘Keeping Halloween - How to Enhance the Festival’ from a 1937 copy of The Scotsman newspaper…

And how about going and rewatching one of the very first Cinema of Stuff offerings, the 1962 cult-classic, Carnival of Souls

And this visit to the Digital Comic Museum wasn’t even part of the Countdown, but really should have been, so lets remedy that right now and re-read ‘AIEEEEEE! The Teeth!’

And it wouldn’t be Halloween without Horror Stars Haunting My Youtube!

And lastly, lets take a look at my own personal ‘Big Border Cat-Dog’ Spook Sighting…..

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That should be enough to be getting on with for now…..I hope you find something you missed first time around!  Be sure to go check out the other participants in the Countdown too by clicking the badge below!
And go have a look at their posts from previous years too! You never know what you might find….

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Halloween Decorations from Pinterest


Been travelling today and have been away from internet, so have a last minute Halloween Decoration post with some cool pictures I found on Pinterest….

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Click the badge below to go to the Countdown Hub and see what everyone else has been up to!

Tuesday 15 October 2024

Monsters of the Movies (Denis Gifford/Carousel, 1977)


Bit of  a headache again today, and feel I've been looking at screens too here's a quick look at another recent pick-up to keep things quick and relatively easy!

I picked up this book that a charity shop had obviously put out as we're nearing Hallowe'en.... and it's one that I've been meaning to get for a while!  It normally goes for about £13/$17, but as it clearly has a slight mold problem, I got it for £2/$2.61!

It's written by Denis Gifford, who you might have heard of if you're into comics, as he was well known for having the biggest collection of British comics in the world!  But he also wrote and drew comics, and wrote many books on the history of comics and cartoons. 

He was also a historian of film, television and radio, having written various books on the subjects....and along with his good friend, comedian and TV presenter, Bob Monkhouse, amassed a huge collection of various forms of media....and among his faourite movies were of course horror and B-movies!

And so we get this great little A-Z of Movie Monsters, which I've wanted because it mentions a few that are rarely covered in such are a few pages to show you what I mean!

I'm definitely going to use it a a reference to help me catch up on some horror films I haven't seen yet! It's worth picking up, especially if you can find a copy a little cheaper like I did.  I just hope any mold spores from it's slightly discoloured pages don't cause any odd moldy mutations upon my person!

(Oh, and if you haven't already, please do click on the links in the names of Denis and Bob Monkhouse that'll take you to their wiki pages...they are both very interesting characters worth reading about, especially if you know nothing about them!)

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Be sure to go checkout what everybody else has been up to over at the Countdown hub by clicking the badge below....or you could head straight over to Spooky Moon who's crafting some creepy but cool creations!

Monday 14 October 2024

The Eyes in His Hand!


I found a marble-ous tale for today's visit to the Digital Comic Museum......wait till you focus your peepers on this one! 

This strip appeared in Fawcett's Worlds of Fear Issue 10, dated June 1953. Thanks to sundancetrance for uploading it to the museum!

As always, click the pics to go big!

Well, that was a little eye-ronic!  I bet old Ebber didn't see that coming!  Sorry....Maybe I should stop before my jokes get any cornea!  

One question before I go though.....where the heck do I find a marble competition that pays me what Corker won!?  That $2500 back in 1953 would be worth $29,475.28 in today's money!! That prize is enough to make anybody lose their marbles!

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Hope you enjoyed today's tale! Be sure to go check out the other Cryptkeeper's posts by clicking the badge below to be whisked off to the Countdown hub, or head straight on over to Maple Grove Cemetery to check out how the Cemetery is looking so far this year!

Sunday 13 October 2024

Bizarre Beasties Are Back In The Bear Yo-Yos!


So a couple of years ago, I posted about a certain fruit product that has collectible trading cards free with them, and how they had asked kids to send in drawings of bizarre beasties that their artists would then re-draw, trying to maintain the same design.....

Well, Bear Snacks are doing it again and have another set of nine cards designed by kids! Before we get to those though, I thought  I'd show some of their regular cards so you get an idea of what those are like too!

As you can see, their latest set includes everything from dinosaurs to mytical beasts, which is a bit different from the last set that were all natural creatures apart from the kid's drawings....

On the back of each card, they have a little activity for kids to do or questions or facts relating to the creature on the front of the card. Which is pretty cool...especially when it comes with a tasty all-natural fruity treat too!

Some nice lesser-seen mythical beasts in that last batch, and this next lot all reside in the forest!

So that is what the normal cards are like, but the main point of the post was to show the latest kiddie creations, so lets get on with that...first, we'll take a look at the re-imaginings.....

..and then here are the original designs, which yet again, I like a bit better!

And here's some more......

I like the weird donut-thing, Custy, but I reckon my favourite is SlimeODuck!

Which ones are your faves from this set's creepy creatures? Let me know in the comments below....

I don't have the full set yet unfortunately...still missing No.6!  But a quick search shows that the one I'm missing is this one....

So I'll need to keep munching away at the fruit yo-yos until I get this in my pack!  Anyway, I hope you enjoyed checking these sure to go and see what everyone else has been posting by clicking the badge below to go to the Countdown To Halloween hub, or you could go straight over to The Manhole Cover where Cheeks Dabelly seems to be being haunted by Vincent Price, which makes a change from old Vinny lurking around here!

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