Friday 6 October 2023

Cool and Creepy Stuff I Own! (Part 1)

Last year, before the dreaded lurgy set in, I was going to start posting some of the cool, weird, spooky stuff I own that I've picked up over the years as a fan of horror and sci-fi...Obviously, that was postponed, but now seems like a good time to carry on with the idea!

Let's start with this 'Horror' postcard-game thing that I got as a youngster in the late 80s. It was one of those 'get the coloured balls in the right holes' kinda things, but sadly some of the balls have escaped through a hole in the plastic over the years...I do love that artwork though! 

Here's the back of it, in case you're's seen better days too, but the whole postcard was, apparently, 'Post Office Approved' meaning that you needn't worry about sending it through the post to someone despite it having a bit more going on than the usual old boring postcards!

Next up, is this Golem that made it's way to me all the way from Prague! One of my cousin's was going on holiday, and when I found out I demanded they seek out the Golem and bring him back to me!

I knew about the tale of the Golem from seeing it in movies, y'see....and these days it's a famous tale in Prague.....It  takes place in the now-defunct Jewish Quarter – today’s Josefov – which I believe is part of the Old Town. Supposedly, in the 16th century, a Rabbi named Rabbi Löw, wanted to protect the Jewish people from the rulers up at Prague Castle. He was apparently able to change the elements and doing so, he was able to mould a strong, human form from the mud of the Vltava – what we now know as the Golem! Inserting a shem (a clay tablet bearing the name of God) into the mouth of the Golem, brought the creature to life!

Originally appearing a lot thinner, but still strong and muscley, the popular Golems available in statue, fridge magnet, coffe cup, etc. forms today, are based more on the look of the creature from the 1915 and 1920s movies...the same ones that taught me all about the beast! Worth checking those out if you haven't already.... 

Lastly for today's post, here's a bookmark that I think came with the Halloween Adventure Story Book (click here) that I posted scans of back in 2017....the front is fine and all Halloweeny and stuff, but I really love the back with the vampire in his coffin, so I usually used it with that facing the front!


Well, I hope you liked that first look at some of the stuff I've gathered! I have loads more, so there will be more stuff popping up in posts throughout the month. As usual though, you can keep youreslves busy in the meantime by checking out what the other bloggers are up to for the Countdown by clicking the badge below! Groovy types like My Two Yen Worth have heaps to keep you amused!


  1. Those are interesting bits of memorabilia. I remember reading the story of the Gollum while in the Jewish quarter in Prague. That is a fine little figure.

    1. He is pretty cool...he's hollow too, so I've been toying with the idea of putting a small LED light inside to make him glow!

  2. Cool stuff - that Golem is amazing!

    1. Thanks...Yeah, I was so happy when my cousin turned up with him. I just gave instructions to bring me some sort of Golem related item...I didn't actually expect my own mini-Golem!
