Monday 25 October 2021



We might be nearing Hallowe’en, but there’s a slightly lesser known festival that occurs on the 30th April that also allows all manner of ghosties, ghoulies and long-leggity beasties to prowl upon the earth for a whole night! 

And Walpurgis, as it is known, is the subject of today’s tale from the Digital Comic Museum! It appeared in Harvey Comics Witches Tales, Issue 18, dated April 1953…

Nice to see the monsters having to deal with a curse for a change! They soon realised they had to punch Carl’s clock for him though, didn’t they…

Oh well, time isn’t sticking around for us and it marches on, with only a few more days to go until the big one itself! Still plenty to see and do on all the blogs taking part in the Countdown though, so click the button below and go see what everyone is up to!


  1. That's Walpurgis Night meets climate change certainly. I wonder if I will be able to curse people when I am dying? One can only hope.

    1. Worth a try! As someone with witchy ancestors, I think it's almost expected with me....
