Tuesday 4 October 2022

Vintage Monster Products from Pinterest!


Uploaded by Loelah

Still feeling a bit run-down and off with this constant cough, so here's a quick post of some Vintage Monster products I found on Pinterest....

Uploaded by froggyboggler

Uploaded by CreepyPillow

Uploaded by BarbBlash

Uploaded by freelancedumbass

Uploaded by AstroDevil

Uploaded by M I S H

Uploaded by The Vintage Toy Archive


I hope you enjoyed looking at those! Did any of you have any of these as a kid?

I'll hopefully be back tomorrow with another post, but in the meantime be sure to check out other bloggers taking part in the Countdown, like Vraie Fiction, by clicking the badge below!


  1. Nope I did not have any. I sure am digging the graphics. I wonder what Herman Munster would have said?

    1. You can see him in action here, although he's a little hard to understand. https://youtu.be/leIMbowMl0Y

    2. Thanks for the link Tom....Now we know, Lady M! He sounds like a Herman Munster impersonater locked in a casket!

  2. I had none of these as a kid, but I have found a few of those glow-in-the-dark monster heads from Sugar Crisp over the years. I love that Jack O' Lantern candle box.

    1. Nice...I'd love to find more of this type of stuff when I'm rummaging through charity shops and car boot sales. The candle box is one of my favourites too...nice and simple design, but it's Halloween in box form!

  3. None of these, but did have weird puppets made the same way as the Herman one. Stuff of nightmares.

    1. Most old puppets are the stuff of nightmares, to be fair! :D
