Saturday 28 October 2023

Some unexpected Halloween Pick-ups!


So today I decided to randomly head in to town for a wander round the shops, which was something I was planning to do tomorrow instead, but we just got a weather warning for more wind and rain…so I decided I’d be better getting it out of the way while it was fairly dry! I had also originally decided to head straight in to Edinburgh, but instead got off the bus halfway through the journey and walked around some of the charity shops in a town called Dalkeith instead…

…and I’m glad I did! As the first thing I saw when entering my first shop was the slightly-dented, tin box of Magnetic Monster Action Figures you can see here and at the top of the page! This is basically a metal-shaped, modernised version of the Fuzzy Felt I showed earlier in the month! It was mine for only £3, although I’ve unfortunately discovered it’s missing a few shapes…but I can’t really complain as it’s still cheaper than it would be bought new. I’ve already created my first monster!

In the next shop, I discovered something that I already own, but mine has fallen into disrepair. This one is in a lot better condition….

For only £2 I have a much better copy of the excellent pop-up book, Haunted House by Jan Pienkowski!

Some great pictures in that one! Anyway, I then headed into Edinburgh and went to couple more charity shops, and in one of them, I discovered some more Alan Class comics..something else I mentioned in a previous post this month….but these ones were even rarer than usual…

As well as the usual spooky tales, these issues of Creepy Worlds contain some of the first British appearances of Spider-Man, which was licensed to Alan Class before Marvel decided to start releasing comics over here themselves! £4 each was the asking price on these!

And that about did it for the charity shop finds, but there was a few other noteworthy pick-ups! First there was the food…

A nice selection of crisps and candy, which isn’t for Trick or Treaters, but for me to munch on while I work on my last few Countdown posts! Here’s a closer look at the stuff..

First up are the Booo Mallows, (£1) which at first I thought consisted of skulls and pumpkins, but looking more closely at the piece below, you can tell it’s ghosts and pumpkins!

Next up are the Boo! Chews, (£1) which disappointingly are just normal chews with some Halloween themed bagging….

And these monstrous Thingies,  (£1.25) are just cheap knock-off versions of Monster Munch, which is a favourite corn snack of mine available all year round!

Last for food items, are these yummy cakes (£3.50)….

Those aren’t going to last until Halloween! 😁

Lastly were some magazine pick-ups, one of which isn’t spooky at all but still comes recommended to any gamers out there…it’s the always wonderful Retro Gamer magazine (£5.40)! And this collection from Fortean Times is all about spooks and spook sightings, so it’s definitely worthy of being included in a Halloween pick-up list (£6.99)!

All in all, an excellent haul! And I wasn’t expecting any of it today! But it did mean I could post about it, as I didn’t have time for my planned post by the time I made my way back home! Hurrah! That will probably be appearing tomorrow now instead…in the meantime, you know what I’m going to say….so just do it, and then I won’t have to! Go on…do it now! Click the badge below….


  1. What treasure! The haunted house book is adorable!

    1. Treasure indeed! and yeah, I have fond memories of reading the book in primary school (probably when I was 5 or 6)...

  2. Quite a load of treats! The pop up book looks awesome, as do the Cadbury cakes!

    1. Yeah, there’s only one of those cakes left for tomorrow now! 😅
