Saturday 5 October 2024

Random Spooky Season Pick-Ups


One of the charity shops in town….

I went trailing around some Charity (Thrift) shops over the last couple of days, and managed to pick up a selection of spooky items, so thought I’d share them with you….

The charity shops are all starting to get their Halloween stuff ready now, which is only something that’s started happening in the last few years. Before they wouldn’t bother holding back things for Halloween, but now a lot more of them are embracing the season!

First up is this Real Ghostbusters Joke Book….it’s a wee bit tatty, but still in good enough condition. A pity the same can’t be said for the jokes, are those are mostly terrible..although some of the limericks are fun!

Next is a book that I kinda already own….although not really, as my mum bought it and left my brother and I to fight over who should keep it in their collection. But now I’ve found one in slightly better condition, so my brother can have the other one!

The Encyclopaedia of Ghosts and Spirits is filled with 300 different cases of spooky shenanigans, and is a great resource for anybody interested in the subject. 

I think the ghost of the previous owner must be haunting it though, as every time I open it I get a whiff of stale cigarette smoke. In fact it’s absolutely reeking of it..oh well, at least it has some nice picture sections….

Obviously from the same owner comes this Great Mysteries - Mysteries of the Afterlife book…

I love the pictures in this one…and it’s a rather big read too and in a style I like and that is reminiscent of the old Unexplained magazines…

Again though, it reeks of cigarette smoke….so if anyone knows any tips on de-stinkifying books, please let me know in the comments! The book is filled with a lot of my favourite ghost tales and also includes sections about predictions and the state of the Spiritualist movement at the time the book was published (1978 originally, and 1981 for this edition)…

As well as books, I also got some sweets! Including these jelly bugs that I mostly bought because they reminded me of old He-Man jellies I used to buy as a kid!

Here’s a photo of the He-Man jelly sweets I found online…clearly this was taken recently as the sweets used to be colourful, but in this they’ve all turned a suspiciously dark colour….blargh! Probably wouldn’t be wise to open those!

Next we have these sugary vampire teeth that would definitely not be a good thing for vampires to chomp, as they’d no doubt end up with cavities…..

They came in this delightful coffin-shaped box though, which is awesome!

And lastly for the sweet stuff, we have this Pumpkin Melt Hot Chocolate Bomb!

Apparently, you stick this in a cup of hot milk, and the chocolate pumpkin melts and becomes a hot chocolate, whilst at the same time releasing lots of little marshmallows!

I think I’ll save this until it turns a bit colder, as it’s still a bit warm here right now. I think we’re due to get a cold spell soon though, so it won’t be long until I get to see if this lives up to its promise!

So there you go…not bad for starters! I also got a couple of DVDs, but I think I’ll save them for a seperate post where I can talk a bit more about them. I’ve had a bit of a sore head today, so this post was a nice easy one that I didn’t need to worry about too much, so I think that’ll do for now!

Oh, one last thing before I send you off to the Countdown Hub though!


Coming Soon to Cinema of Stuff…….


Okay, now you can go check out what everybody else is doing. My Two Yen Worth would be a good place to start, but you can find everybody by clicking the badge below…


  1. I thought when I saw the Ghostbuster Limerick Page, that Ray had farted and blown a hole in those tissue paper pants. When I was young, everything reeked of cigarette smoke. It's funny how much it stinks. But I got no tips on removing it. A haunted tour of the UK would be very fun.

    1. There was a Ghostbuster called Stantz, who farted a hole in his pants, To deny the caper, he claimed they were paper, and sat his ass down on some planks......
